Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Expendables: New photo and various Stallone and Schwarzenegger

Stevo here...
It's been a while since my last update because there has not been to much news worthy articles or content going around.
Here is what I managed to scratch up for this update...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Expendables: New Stallone Photo's

Steve here...

Here are another couple of Stallone photos that have emerged on the web recently.

Man is he in good shape for his age or what? Acutally, he is in good shape for any age!

Check em' out here...

Rambo V: A personal update by Stallone

Stevo here...

Check out the latest information that gives us an update on the latest Rambo and a rough guide as to what we can expect to see. All in the words of the great man, Sylvester Stallone...

"It's Sly, I appreciate you posting that but I think there has been one slight confusion regards of all the talk about, I think of a majority of all these individules misunderstood, it not a Universal Soldier. It's not me fighting some super soldier. It's actually a fural beast, it's a thing, it's this amalgination of fury and intelligence and pure unadulterated rage. It's before men became human. This is when they were still inhuman and so what he confronts is something that is everyones virtual nightmare. But in no sense of the word does he go against quote the Dolph Lungren or Claude Van Damme universal super soldier. This is, he's like going against the fural beast that has absolute cunning and intelligence and a will to survive that is only matched by Rambo's and thats what makes it uniquely different. It's like, like mans concience fighting his dark dangerous uncontrolled subconscience. Very simalir to the plot in Forbidden Planet when the Doctor couldn't contol his mind and his subconcious took over became a savage killing machine large very similar to this. So I wish somehow or even take this message you could convey to people that what they assume is Stallone or Rambo battleing a squad of super soldiers. Just the opposite it's your your worst nightmare. Your'e battling your primative self and which has alot more cunning and, and power than you could have ever imagened so thats about it. Anyway thankyou bye."

Boy does this sound good.

He also released a one sheet for Rambo V which I have added below. It shows the title of the movie as being Rambo V The Savage Hunt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Expendables: New Photo's

Stevo here...

Sorry for the lack of updates. There hasn't been anything newsworthy to report of late.

Check out the latest photo's to surface of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It makes you wonder what they are discussing.

You will find them out here...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Iron Man 2: New image

Stevo here...

Check out the latest image to be released for the latest Iron Man 2 movie.

Pretty good...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Expendables: New Official Release Photo

Stevo here...

Check out the latest official image to be released for The Expendables.
Boy this movie is going to rock and if this image is any induication of how good this movie looks, it is going to blow everyone through the back of the cinema.

Stallone and the boys look great in this image.


The Eagle Path: New Photo's

Stevo here...

Check out the latest phot's from Van Damme's lattest flick, The Eagle Path.

He is still in pretty good nik but a silly man for not accepting Stallone's offer to join him in The Expendables.

Oh well, time will tell if wham bam Van Damme made the right choice.


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Expendables: New photo's

Stevo here...

Check out the latest images to be released from Stallone's latest flick, The Expendables.

They are all behind the scenes shots but are still cool.

Check em' out here...