Thursday, May 28, 2009

Transformers 2: New TV Spot

Hi All...

Check out the latest TV Spot from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

It keeps looking better and better everytime they release something new.

Check it out here...

Transformers 2: New Images

Steve here...

Check out the latest images to be released from Transformers 2. This is going to be one hell of a ride when it hits the cinemas.

Check out Optimus Prime and the gang here...

G.I. Joe: New Poster

Stevo here...

Check out the latest International poster for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

I reckon this film is going to rock, as long as it is not too corny or tinny. It must contain good solid action sequences that take themselves seriously. Otherwise it will suck.

Anyway, the poster looks pretty cool.

Check it out here...

Iron Man 2: New set photo's

Steve here...

Check out the latest photo's from the set of Iron Man 2.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Expendables: New poster and set photos

Steve here...

Check out one of the latest posters that has been released for the Expendables. Also find Jason walking on the set as well as some other assorted photos of the cast.

Check them out here...

Transformers 2: New trailer

Steve here...

Check out the latest trailer from the new Tranformers film just below.

Transformers 2: New Imax Poster

Stevo here...

Check out the new Imax poster for Transformers 2.

It looks pretty cool...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Expendables: New photo

Stevo here...

Check out Mickey and Statham chilling out between takes.

They look pretty cool.

Check them out here...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Transformers 2: New photos

Hi there...

Stevo here with some newly released photo's from the studio for Transformers 2.

Check them out here...

Terminator Salvation: New Photo

Steve here...

Check out the latest image to hit our monitors from Terminator Salvation. Pretty cool...

Universal Soldier 3: New Photo

Stevo here...

Check out a new photo of Van Damme just chilling out whilst he is at his accomodation on location to shoot Universal Soldier 3.

He's still in pretty good shape even if he has lost some size and definition.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Transformers 2: New Image and set photo's

Steve here..

Check out the latest image and set photo's below from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.


Iron Man 2: New Photo's and concept art

Stevo here...

Check out the latest photo's of Robert Downy Jr on the set of Iron Man 2 and doing a little fighting practice. Also check out the concept art from Iron Man 2. Mickey Rourke is all suited up in this one.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Terminator Salvation: New photo's

Stevo here...

Check out some of the latest photo's from Terminator Salvation. Boy this movie is going to rock.
